CMRV的标准粘度液 (CMRV Viscosity Standards)
- 品牌:美国凯能
- 型号:00000
- 产地:美国
- 供应商:上海亿器智能科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:¥2500
- 标签: CMRV的标准粘度液 (CMRV Viscosity Standards)、 CMRV的标准粘度液 (CMRV Viscosity Standards)价格、 CMRV的标准粘度液 (CMRV Viscosity Standards)厂家、、、上海亿器智能科技有限公司
Catalog Number | Viscosity Standard | Table 5 Approximate Viscosity in mPa.s (Centipoise) |
PCV-T10 | N105B | CMRV viscosity standard, 30,000 mPa.s (cP) at -20℃;56,200 mPa.s (cP) at -25℃ |
PCV-T20 | YS-30 | Exhibits yield stress of 70 Pa ± 35 Pa at -30℃ |
PCV-T25 | YS-35 | Exhibits yield stress of 70 Pa ± 35 Pa at -35℃ |
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