ProtoGel Quick Cast Loading Buffer
- 品牌:nationaldiagnostics
- 型号:EC-896
- 产地:美国
- 供应商:桑戈国际贸易(上海)有限公司
- 供应商报价:¥300
- 标签:ProtoGel Quick Cast Loading Buffer、ProtoGel Quick Cast Loading Buffer价格、ProtoGel Quick Cast Loading Buffer厂家、、、桑戈国际贸易(上海)有限公司
ProtoGel Quick Cast Loading Buffer
ProtoGel Quick Cast Loading Buffer is a proprietary formulation that gives the sharpest possible bands with our ProtoGel Quick Cast matrix. With Quick Cast, pouring gels has never been faster or easier. No mixing or measuring- just pour out the volume you need, initiate and cast. Matrix and buffer are all included in the same solution. And now, with Quick Cast Loading Buffer, your bands will be sharper than ever before.