- 产地: 雷柏特(上海)实验室设备有限公司
- 供应商:雷柏特(上海)实验室设备有限公司
- 供应商报价:询价
- 标签: 可调式滴水架、 可调式滴水架价格、 可调式滴水架厂家、、、雷柏特(上海)实验室设备有限公司
* 滴水棒可随意调整上下左右位置,可调间距Z小为10mm
* 壁挂式滴水架之本体背面有多处挂孔,客户于墙上固定螺丝,选择挂孔吊挂
* 桌上型滴水架安置于实验桌台面时,请用户调整高低调整脚以保持架身平衡
1.Usage method:
* Position of the water-dropping bar can be adjusted at will, with minimum step of 10mm
* The rack is wall mounted, and there are a number of holes on the back plate of the rack for easy fitting with the bolts fixed on the wall
* When the rack is desktop mounted, please adjust the foot length to make the rack horizontal