- 品牌: beion
- 型号:beion
- 产地: 上海
- 供应商:上海北昂医疗技术有限公司
- 供应商报价:询价
- 标签: 显微镜自动平台(XYZ)、 显微镜自动平台(XYZ)价格、 显微镜自动平台(XYZ)厂家、、、上海北昂医疗技术有限公司
北昂显微镜自动载物台系统(BeionXYZ) |
BeionXYZ显微镜自动载物台系统是我公司研制、开发的,集光、机、电、算一体化的高科技产品,具有可靠性、稳定性、精度高等特点,是显微镜的自动推片和自动调焦系统。该系统采用标准的RS232通信接口,用户可利用手控盒和计算机,方便地调整显微镜的视场和调焦,从而实现图象的多视场、全自动测量分析,并可利用通过现代通讯技术,实现对显微镜的远程控制。尤其是该系统与生物显微镜相配套,实现医院的远程诊断TELE-DIAGNOSIS和远程ZLTelemedicine的效果。 |
产品主要特点 |
国际流行造型:载物台造型美观大方,表面采用国际流行工艺 计算机接口:计算机可通过RS232接口控制载物台移动和聚焦,实现多视场移动和自动聚焦功能 手动控制:除了计算机控制外,载物台提供手动旋钮,供用户手动控制 |
主要指标 |
Beion Automatic Microscope Stage(Beion-XYZ) |
The motorised microscope stage and automatic focusing system, developed by Beion Com. Ltd. containing a group of optical,mechanical,electronical and computerized high technologies, is reliably suited for the most demanding imaging applications where high precision and accuracy are essential.A motorised microscope stage provides the automatic specimen slide and focusing function.It has an operational control set and a computer both connected with standard RS232 interface ports.By adjusting the viewing field and focusing,an analysis of muti-viewing fields and automatic measurement is available.Besides,it provides full access to the remote computer control,espencially compatible with biological microscope, to realise the tele-diagnosis and tele-medicine between remote hospitals. |