
Anti-Human CD27 FITC

  • 研究领域:Adaptive Immunity, Apoptosis

    来源:Mouse IgG1, kappa

    存储溶液:Phosphate-buffered aqueous solution, ≤0.09% Sodium azide, may contain carrier protein/stabilizer, ph7.2.

    参考文献:Knapp W (1989) Leucocyte typing IV: white cell differentiation antigens. Oxford University Press, 1989.Correia, D. V., Fogli, M., Hudspeth, K., da Silva, M. G., Mavilio, D., & Silva-Santos, B. (2011). Differentiation of human peripheral blood Vδ1+ T cells expressing the natural cytotoxicity receptor NKp30 for recognition of lymphoid leukemia cells. Blood, 118(4), 992-1001.




    商品关键词:Anti-Human CD27 FITC,09311-50-100 tests,Biogems

    简单描述:The O323 monoclonal antibody specifically binds to the human CD27, which is a lymphocyte-specific member of the TNF/NGF-R family, expressed on a subset of human thymocytes and the majority of the mature T cells. CD27 is upregulated by T lymphocytes stimulation, and binds to CD70, enhancing the interaction between T and B lymphocytes.

    Clone: O323

    Format: FITC

    Cell Type: B Cells, T Cells, NK and NKT Cells

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