Biorep 是成立于上世纪80年代,座落在美国迈阿密的一家致力于开发YL和生命科学研究完全解决方案的公司。其产品具有ISO-13485和FDA认证,包括人类因子工程学,用户界面设计,系统解决方案(包括机械,电气,软件),可用行测试,个性化定制和其他YL器械。目前其产品广泛应用于大学,研究所以及世界500强公司的生产研究中。
胰岛细胞计数仪能够在一分钟之内完成对有活性的胰岛细胞的计数。对胰岛细胞的评价完全符合临床胰岛移植标准(CIT protocol)。操作界面简单,结果可以保存为Excel格式,用于进一步的统计分析。
The Islet Counter is used to generate cell counts of sample quantities of isolated pancreatic islets. The ICC system enables the user to reliably and repeatedly quantify the islet equivalent (IEQ) in less than a minute. Islet quantification is based on the Clinical Islet Transplantation Consortium (CIT) protocol.
The software yields the number of particles (IPN), the IEQ, and also sorts cells by size groups according to cell area.
In addition, the user obtains: the area covered, the B-factor, a size group IEQ contribution pie chart, and distribution statistics such as a size group histogram. Also, an Excel® report can be generated with the push of a button. The software allows image archiving for documentation, training, and verification purposes.
Islet total area
Dimensional measurements
Automatic sample detection and ROI creation
ROI refinement by user
Automatic cell detection and thresholding by SNR sweeping across RGB spectrum
Advanced adaptive segmentation algorithm
3 Step Process:
-Acquire: Auto-detect sample and create ROI
-Shoot: Takes snapshot; selection, segmenting and counting occur automatically in less than 8 seconds
-Report: Automatically generates an Excel® report
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