美国SKC 226-10硅胶吸附管 SKC 硅胶吸附管
- 型号:226-10
- 产地:中国大陆
- 供应商:北京陆众科仪科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:电议
- 标签:美国SKC 226-10硅胶吸附管 SKC 硅胶吸附管,常用设备,耗材器具,供应美国SKC 226-10硅胶吸附管 SKC 硅胶吸附管,北京陆众科仪科技有限公司
Sorbent Tube, Silica Gel, 6 x 70-mm size, 2 sections, 75/150 mg sorbent, 20/40 mesh, with GS ends and FWW separators, fits Type A tube cover, pk/50
Sorbent tube sampling is the NIOSH/OSHA approved method for collecting most hazardous gases and vapors from the air. Federal law has established permissible exposure limits (PELs) for workers' exposures to a variety of airborne chemical hazards. These limits are specified in several ways: eight-hour time-weighted averages (TWAs), Short-Term Exposure Limits (STELs), and Ceiling values. Eight-hour TWA limits are specified for full-shift exposures. STELs are usually issued as 15-minute exposure limits and Ceiling values are issued as peak levels not to be exceeded at any time during the working day. Sorbent tubes have been established as a reliable tool for each of these sampling requirements.
活性碳吸附管 50/100mg 226-01 50支
活性碳吸附管 50/100mg 226-01-BULK 1000支
活性碳吸附管 200/400mg 226-09 50支
活性碳吸附管 200/400mg 226-09-BULK 1000支
硅胶吸附管 75/150mg 226-10 50支
硅胶吸附管 200/400mg 226-10-03 50支 7mm外径,110mm长 (适用于无机酸类采样)
Anasorb CMS 吸附管 75/150mg 226-121 20支
Tenax 吸附管 50/100mg 226-35-03 50支 8mm外径,110mm长
硅胶吸附管 50/100mg 226-51 50支