- 产地:中国大陆
- 供应商:北京伟祥科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:10
- 标签:中兴ZXD2400全新中兴48v50A电源模块规格,智能控制,电源,供应中兴ZXD2400全新中兴48v50A电源模块规格,北京伟祥科技有限公司
中兴ZXD2400 50A整流模块产品特点
1、中兴ZXD2400 50A整流模块采用新型大容量器件IGBT,简化电路结构,提高了可靠性;
2、中兴ZXD2400 50A整流模块采用全负载范围内软开关功率变换技术,保证全负载范围都有高的变换效率,同时还能提高开关频率,使电源小型、轻量化成为可能,电磁干扰也随之大幅降低;
5、中兴ZXD2400 50A整流模块实现恒功率型输出特性,交流断电后来电对蓄电池充电,在蓄电池电压较低时,可以提供比额定输出高出20%的电流。在相同负载容量时,可减少单体模块的数量,从而替用户节省投投;
9、中兴ZXD2400 50A输入输出具有完善合理的保护措施,既提高了整流器的可靠性,又保护了用电设备;
13、中兴ZXD2400 50A整流模块专业的输入、输出滤波电路和**绝缘设计使其具有良好的电磁兼容性和极小的电磁辐射。
型号: ZXD2400
输出类型: 单路输出
输出功率: >500W
输入电压: 110-220V
稳压形式: 调宽式开关稳压电源
电源启动方式: 自激式开关电源
连接方式: 并联式开关电源
供电系统: 一级配电设备
Introduction of ZTE ZXD2400 50A Rectifier Module 1. ZTE ZXD2400 50A rectifier module adopts a new type of large capacity device IGBT, which simplifies the circuit structure and improves the reliability. 2. ZTE ZXD2400 50A rectifier module adopts soft-switching power conversion technology in full load range, which ensures high conversion efficiency in full load range. It also improves switching frequency, makes it possible for power supply to be small and lightweight, and reduces electromagnetic interference greatly. 3. The wide range of AC input voltage is suitable for the current situation of power grid in rural and mountainous areas of China. 4. The AC input power factor is close to 1. 5. ZTE ZXD2400 50A rectifier module achieves constant power output characteristics. After AC power failure, the battery is charged by electricity. When the battery voltage is low, it can provide 20% higher current than the rated output. When the load capacity is the same, the number of individual modules can be reduced, thus saving investment for users. 6. The built-in monitoring CPU and LCD module can display the parameters of the rectifier in real time. 7. Protective alarm parameters can be set by keyboard to adjust variables such as floating charge output voltage and output current limiting point. 8. Perfect three-remote interface function, providing RS485 communication interface, can achieve centralized monitoring; 9. ZTE ZXD2400 50A input and output has perfect and reasonable protection measures, which not only improves the reliability of the rectifier, but also protects the electrical equipment. 10. Convenient input and output interface can realize direct hot swap. 11. Advanced modular design, multi-parallel automatic current sharing; 12. Fan temperature control improves the reliability of the system. 13. ZTE ZXD2400 50A rectifier module has good electromagnetic compatibility and minimal electromagnetic radiation due to its professional input and output filter circuit and ** insulation design. Model: ZXD2400 Output type: single output Output power: > 500W Input voltage: 110-220V Voltage stabilization form: Width-adjusting switching voltage stabilization power supply Starting mode of power supply: self-excited switching power supply Connection mode: parallel switching power supply Power supply system: primary distribution equipment