8720A 低价出售 20GHz网络分析仪 8720A 安捷伦惠普
- 型号:8720A
- 产地:上海
- 供应商:上海爱考信息科技有限公司
- 供应商报价: 电议
- 标签:低价出售 20GHz网络分析仪 8720A 安捷伦惠普,低价出售 20GHz网络分析仪 8720A 安捷伦惠普价格,低价出售 20GHz网络分析仪 8720A 安捷伦惠普厂家
是否提供加工定制 | 否 | 类型 | 电参数测量仪 |
品Pai | Aglient HP安捷伦惠普 | 型号 | 8720A |
低价出售 20GHz网络分析仪 8720A 安捷伦惠普130 MHz - 20 GHz Network AnalyzerAgilent / Hewlett Packard 8720A Network Analyzer 130 MHz - 20 GHz The 8720A provides simple and complete vector network measurements in a compact and fully integrated microwave network analyzer. Characterize your microwave components and networks accurately, yet economically with this unit. Integration of the 130 MHz to 20 GHz swept synthesized source, test set, and receiver results in a compact, low cost network analyzer which is ideal for incoming inspection, production, and final test measurements. >85 dB dynamic range Built-in vector accuracy enhancement. options 001 frequency resolution 1 Hz 010 Time Domain