- 产地:其它
- 供应商:上海武田机电有限公司
- 供应商报价:电议
- 标签:供应JOST振动给料机,JOST振动电机,石油仪器,润滑油分析,供应供应JOST振动给料机,JOST振动电机,上海武田机电有限公司
德国JOST是欧洲的振动设备制造商,其产品有JOST振动给料机,输送机,筛分系统,JOST振动筛,JOST控制器,JOST振动电机,计量进料器,共振输送机,随身滑动输送机,螺旋升降机,摇出输送机,摇出 振动表,炉装载机,铸造冷却器,砂冷却器,输送系统,筛选系统,加药系统,振动冷却器,振动干燥机,流化床冷却器及流化床干燥机,产品广泛地应用于钢铁、煤碳、矿业、电力及港口等行业。
JOEST GmbH + Co. KG is a medium sized company directed by its two managing partners, Dr. Hans Moormann and Christian Fuchs. We are the international leader in vibration technology. Our core competencies are: designing and manufacturing vibrating machines and vibratory drive units, and finding and designing solutions in process engineering.
Vibration Technology
JOEST has a large product range of vibration machines and drive units for different applications. These machines meet the requirements of the various industries and operate reliably for the benefit of our customers.