LabMaster 特价瑞士novasina控温型水分活度仪
- 型号:LabMaster
- 产地:广东 东莞市
- 供应商:东莞市瑞德维仪器有限公司
- 供应商报价: 158000.00¥/台
- 标签:特价瑞士novasina控温型水分活度仪,特价瑞士novasina控温型水分活度仪价格,特价瑞士novasina控温型水分活度仪厂家
是否提供加工定制 | 否 | 品Pai | 瑞士novasina |
型号 | LabMaster | 类型 | 电子式水分计 |
测量范围 | 0.03-1.00aw | 准确度 | 0.003aw |
环境温度 | 0~40(℃) | 电源电压 | 220(V) |
外形尺寸 | 参考说明(mm) |
应用广泛的水分活度仪。 e new star in water activity measurement for quality management, |
测定范围:0.03-1.00aw , 控温范围0-50°C |
LabMaster 控温台式水活度测定仪 , 可测定任意设定的温度下的水分活度, 特别适用于食品工程、食品设计等研发目的及 销售的产品的质量控制。 另有多种型号适用于更多的应用: High-precision, fast, flexible and easy! A new multi-user and multi-probes management is implemented and fulfils the first time ever all subjects of regulation or recommendations of different associations and laws. The large, clear illuminated graphic LC display is very easy to read and the menu driven software is intuitive and simple to learn. Examples of aw measurements: |