
BIA-E1253 Echinocandin B/棘球白素B

Echinocandin B/棘球白素B
产品规格:1 mg/5 mg
Synonyms : Antibiotic A 30912, A 22082, A 30912A, Antibiotic 7810, Antibiotic A 22082, SL
7810F, Antibiotic SL 7810F
CAS # : 54651-05-7
Molecular Formula : C52H81N7O16
Molecular Weight : 1060.4
Source : Aspergillus sp.
Appearance : Off white to brownish powder
Purity : > 95% by HPLC
Storage : -20°C
Solubility : Soluble in ethanol, methanol, DMF or DMSO. Limited water solubility.
Application Notes
Echinocandin B is the major analogue of a family of lipopeptides isolated from several species of
Aspergillus, reported in 1974. Echinocandin B is a potent antifungal and acts by inhibition of the synthesis of
?(1,3)-D-glucan, an essential component of the cell wall of susceptible fungi.
1. Metabolites of microorganisms. 143. Echinocandin B, a novel polypeptide-antibiotic from Aspergillus
nidulans var. echinulatus: isolation and structural components. Nyfeler R. & Keller-Schierlein W. Helv.
Chim. Acta. 1974, 57, 2459.
2. Lysis of growing yeast-form cells of Candida albicans by echinocandin: a cytological study. Cassone A.
et al. Sabouraudia 1981, 19, 97.
3. Echinocandin inhibition of 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase from Candida albicans. Sawistowska-Schr?der E.
T. et al. FEBS Lett. 1984, 173, 134.
4. Influence of free fatty acids, lysophosphatidylcholine, platelet-activating factor, acylcarnitine, and
echinocandin B on 1,3-beta-d-glucan synthase and callose synthesis. Kauss H. & Jeblick W. Plant Physiol. 1986, 80, 7.
Echinocandin B/棘球白素B
货号:BIA-E1253   包装规格: 1 mg, 5 mg
同义词:KJ素 A 30912, A 22082, A 30912A, KJ素 7810, KJ素 A 22082, SL 7810F, Antibiotic SL 7810F
CAS号: 54651-05-7
分子式: C52H81N7O16
分子量: 1060.4
来源: 来自于曲霉属
纯度: > 95% by HPLC
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