BIA-D1301 Doramectin/多拉克汀
- 型号:BIA-D1301
- 产地:福建 厦门市
- 供应商:厦门慧嘉生物科技有限公司
- 供应商报价: 电议
- 标签:Doramectin/多拉克汀,Doramectin/多拉克汀价格,Doramectin/多拉克汀厂家
产品规格:5 mg/25 mg
Synonyms : UK67994, Dectomax
CAS # : 117704-25-3
Molecular Formula : C50H74O14
Molecular Weight : 899.1
Source : Streptomyces sp., biosynthetic
Appearance : White solid
Purity : >95%
Storage : -20oC
Solubility : Soluble in ethanol, methanol, DMF or DMSO. Limited water solubility.
Application Notes
Doramectin is a biosynthetic avermectin derived from a mutant of the original Streptomyces avermitilis strain
supplemented with a cyclohexylcaboxylic acid starting unit. Doramectin was developed as an anthelmintic
for internal parasite control. The presence of the cyclohexyl group replacing the sec-butyl moiety affords
greater hydrophobicity and longer biological half-life compared to avermectin. like the other
milbemycin/avermectins, it selectively binds to parasite glutamate-gated chloride ion channels and disrupts
neurotransmission leading to paralysis and death of the parasite.
1. Novel avermectins produced by mutational biosynthesis. Duttom C. J. et al. J. Antibiot. 1991, 44, 357.
2. Doramectin - a novel avermectin. Vercruysse J. Vet. Parasitol. 1993, 49, 1.
货号:BIA-D1301 包装规格: 5 mg, 25 mg
同义词:UK67994, Dectomax
CAS号: 117704-25-3
分子式: C50H74O14
分子量: 899.1
来源: 来自于链霉菌属
纯度: >95%