
YQHB YQHB 隔爆安全型不锈钢耐震压力表



    精 度:φ 63,1.6%; φ 100,φ 160,1%

    Accuracy: φ 63,1.6%;

    压力范围:表圆直径63: 0...1 至0...1000bar

              表圆直径100: 0...0.6 至0...1000bar

              表圆直径160: 0...0.6 至0...1600bar


    Range:63 mm: 0?1 to 0?1000 bar

          100 mm: 0?0.6 to 0?1000 bar

          160 mm: 0?0.6 to 0?1600 bar

          Other ranges and vacuum scale value available

    工作压力及使用范围Working pressure

        表圆直径63: 静压:3/4 x 满量程  动压:2/3 x 满量程  瞬压:1.2 x 满量程

        表圆直径100,160:静压:3/4 x 满量程  动压:0.9 x 满量程  瞬压:1.3 x 满量程

        63 mm:Steady: 3/4 of full scale value  Fluctuating: 2/3 of full scale value

              Short time: 1.2 of full scale value

        100 and 160 mm:Steady: 3/4 of full scale value

              Fluctuating: 0.9 × full scale value

              Short time: 1.3 × full scale value

    容许使用温度Operating temperature


        Ambient: -20?+60℃


        Medium: +200℃ maximum Alternating type: +100℃maximum

    防护等级:IP 54 (EN 60 529 / IEC 529),充液型IP 65

    Degree of protection IP 54 per EN 60 529 / IEC 529 Liquid filling type: IP65

    压力表接头:SUS304,外螺纹 φ 63 G1/4,φ 100,φ 160 G1/2”

    Socket: SUS304,External thread: φ 63:G1/4,φ 100、φ 160:G1/2

    测压元件:SUS316  <10MPa C 形弹簧管  ≥ 10MPa 螺旋式弹簧管

    Pressure element < 100 bar: C-type tube  ≥ 100 bar: Helical tube

    填充液体:充液型甘油  密闭型干式(不充液)

    Liquid filling: Glycerin or dry Obturation type, dry (no liquid filled)

    传动机芯:304 不锈钢

    Internals: Stainless Steel


    Dial: White Aluminium with black marks


    Pointer: Black aluminium


          Case: Stainless Steel, Burst disk, pressure blow out back.

          充液型顶部充液孔盖在压力范围≤ 0.6MPa 时,力平衡表内部压力可以放开通气。

          Liquid filling type has a liquid filling hole which may be open to balance the pressure inside when the pressure scope ≤ 0.6Mpa.


    Window: Laminated safety glass



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