UV/VIS Reflection Spectrometer 紫外/近红外反射光谱仪
- 产地:上海
- 供应商:阿库瑞恩(上海)有限公司
- 供应商报价: 电议
- 标签:UV/VIS Reflection Spectrometer 紫外/近红外反射光谱仪,UV/VIS Reflection Spectrometer 紫外/近红外反射光谱仪价格,UV/VIS Reflection Spectrometer 紫外/近红外反射光谱仪厂家
Reflection spectroscopy is a powerful tool in the investigation of the orientation, association, adsorption and chemical change of chromophores in monolayers at the air-water interface.The RefSpec² in actionWith the RefSpec² the reflection of light R from an air-water interface (range: UV…VIS) can be detected. This spectrum covers the applications from protein to dye-containing monolayers.Besides the spectral detection of the reflection (ΔR over wavelength) a time-based measurement (ΔR over time) is also easily performed. A software interface to Langmuir troughs like NIMA allows measurement versus trough parameters ( ΔR over surface pressure, area, etc.).