
Affinity purified mouse monoclonal anti Calbindin D-28k

  • 商品分类:Antibodies against Ca2+ -bindin


    存储溶液:Purified antibody in PBS (lyophilized).

    参考文献:1. Celio M.R. et al., Cell Calcium 11:599-602, 19902. Kretsinger R.H. (1981) Neurosci. Res. Progr. Bull. 19/8, MIT-Press3. Garcia-Segura L.M. et al. (1984) Brain Res. 296: 75-86.4. Airaksinen M.S., et al, (1997), PNAS 94(4) : 1488-1493

    应用:We suggest using a dilution of 1:10’000 (0.039 g/ml) for immunostaining with the avidin-biotin method on cryostat or paraffin-sections of paraformaldehyde (4%) or formalin-fixed tissue.We recommend that the optimal dilutions be determined by titration experiments.


    商品关键词:Affinity purified mouse monoclonal anti Calbindin D-28k,300pur-100 µl,Swant

    简单描述:The antibody 300pur was purified with Protein-G from in vitro produced monoclonal antibody 300 directed against calbindin D-28k (see product description 300 for further details concerning immunoblot and immunohistochemistry). The antibody concentration is of 0.39 mg/ml in 0.1M phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.3.

    Lot No: 07 (F)-pur

    Reconstitution: with 100 µl bi-distilled water.

    Product: HPLC Purified

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