- 品牌:百奥莱博
- 型号:北京百奥莱博科技有限公司
- 产地:北京
- 供应商:北京百奥莱博科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:¥200 - 2040
- 标签:重组小鼠CD5库存、重组小鼠CD5库存价格、重组小鼠CD5库存厂家、Recombinant Mouse T-Cell Surface Glycoprotein CD5、、北京百奥莱博科技有限公司
复溶浓度推荐大于100 μg/ml。
CD5 is a transmembrane glycoprotein of the conserved scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) superfamily and expressed on thymocytes, peripheral T cells and a subset of B cells (B1-a). Moreover, CD5 also was found expressed in small lymphocytic lymphoma, hairy cell leukaemia and mantle cell lymphoma cells. The long cytoplasmic tail of CD5 has no intrinsic enzymatic activity, but contains four tyrosine phosphorylation sites, including an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based (ITAM)-like motif (pseudo-ITAM) and an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory (ITIM)-like motif (pseudo-ITIM), as well as multiple potential serine and threonine phosphorylation sites. It physically associates with the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) and B cell antigen receptor (BCR), where it negatively modulates the activation and differentiation signals transduced by these receptors. CD5 also plays an important role in protection from activation-induced cell death and in the recognition of pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPS) present on fungal surfaces.
NF-212 羊抗人C3D血清
2,6-二*靛酚*盐 L-Valine 620-45-1
4-**甲*(代"酸") lactitol 586-76-5
CBZ-L-精*酸 Acriflavine 1234-35-1
磷酸* 3-(2-Aminoethylamino)propyldimethoxymethylsilane 10377-52-3
ARB10268 人三碘甲状腺原*酸(T3)ELISA检测服务 Human tri-iodothyronine,t3 ELISA KIT
1069-31-4 L-鸟*酸
54-62-6 Aminopterin *基喋呤
ARB12686 大鼠醛固酮(ALD)ELISA代测服务 Rat aldosterone,ald ELISA KIT
腐殖酸 Barium diphenylamine sulfonate 1415-93-6
9004-67-5 Methyl Cellulose 甲基纤维素
次甲基绿 CNP-Afu 224967-52-6
J0206 兔抗乙肝核心抗原抗血清
ARB12498 大鼠神经球蛋白(NGB)检测服务 Rat neuroglobin,ngb ELISA KIT
四水磷酸肌酸二*盐 Oleic acid 71519-72-7
ARB10638 人血管内皮抑素抗体(ES-Ab)代做ELISA实验 Human anti-endostatin antibody,es-ab ELISA KIT
重组小鼠CD5库存关键词:Recombinant Mouse T-Cell Surface Glycoprotein CD5,重组CD5,JN1426,重组小鼠CD5蛋白,百奥莱博
9014-01-1 碱性蛋白酶(1:200000)
抗坏血酸-6-棕榈酸酯 Ara-A 137-66-6
L-甘-甘-白三肽 BHA 14857-82-0
ARB12973 小鼠肌酸激酶同工酶MB(CK-MB)elisa检测 Mouse creatine kinase mb isoenzyme,ck-mb ELISA KIT
ARB12253 大鼠血管紧张素Ⅱ转化酶(ACEⅡ)含量检测 Rat angiotensin Ⅱ converting enzyme,aceⅡ ELISA KIT
N-乙基-N-(3-磺丙基)-3-甲基**(代"胺")*盐 Ethyl cellulose 40567-80-4
BL0957 胶体金标记兔抗牛IgG抗体
BTN130801 ATP发光法细胞活力检测试剂盒 ATP Luminescent Cell Viability Assay Kit
ARB10777 人抗乙型肝炎病毒核心抗体(HBcAb)代做ELISA实验 Human anti-hepatitis b virus core antibody,hbcab ELISA KIT
气溶胶OT Iron(III) phosphate tetrahydrate 577-11-7
ARB13644 兔子基质金属蛋白酶9(MMP-9)血清中含量检测 Rabbit matrix metalloproteinase 9,mmp-9 ELISA KIT
ARB13616 兔子细胞间粘附分子3(ICAM-3/CD50)Elisa定量检测 Rabbit intercellular adhesion molecule 3,icam-3 ELISA KIT
F030613 FITC标记兔抗小鼠IgG抗体 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG*FITC
ARB10494 人白介素8(IL-8)酶标法分析 Human interleukin 8,IL-8 ELISA KIT
BL0883 兔抗狗IgG免疫血清 0.5ml
蔗糖酶 Sepharose CL-6B 9001-57-4
F020235 兔抗人γ链抗体 Rabbit Anti-Human IgG (γ chain)
PUC18质粒 Vanillic acid
重组小鼠CD5库存关键词:Recombinant Mouse T-Cell Surface Glycoprotein CD5,重组CD5,JN1426,重组小鼠CD5蛋白,百奥莱博
ARB12838 小鼠巨噬细胞炎性蛋白3β(MIP-3β/ELC/CCL19)尿液中含量检测 Mouse macrophage inflammatory protein 3β,mip-3β ELISA KIT
BFD001 猪瘟病毒抗体检测试剂盒
ARB10888 人抗流行性腮腺炎病毒(EP-Ab)Elisa定量检测 Human anti-epidemic parotitis antibody,ep-ab ELISA KIT
L-乳酸* CDAB 18917-93-6
BL0862 羊抗人IgM免疫血清 0.5ml
PY08-005 伊红美兰琼脂平板 9CM 10皿/盒,用于革兰氏阴性肠杆菌尤其是大肠杆菌的分离和鉴定
BTN120699 多粘菌素B硫*(代"酸")盐 Polymyxin B Sulfate Solution
玫瑰红三羧酸铵 Indoxyl-Glucoside 569-58-4
50-99-7 D-无水葡萄糖 D(+)Glucose
ARB13217 小鼠基质细胞衍生因子1A(SDF-1A/CXCL12)含量分析 Mouse stromal cell derived factor 1a,sdf-1a ELISA KIT
BTN131090 中性亲和素蛋白 Nuetral Avidin
叔丁氧羰基-L-谷*酸5叔丁脂 Antipyrine 13726-84-6
003004 牛血浆
ARB10951 人谷胱甘肽硫转移酶pI基因(GSTpI)ELISA检测服务 Human glutathione s-transferases,gstpi ELISA KIT
ARB13221 小鼠晚期糖基化终末产物(AGEs)elisa检测操作说明书 Mouse advanced glycation end products,ages ELISA KIT
9012-36-6 低熔点琼脂糖 Agarose L.M.P
ARB13508 鱼骨*素/骨谷*酸蛋白(OT/BGP)定量分析 Fish oste ocalcin/bone gla protein,ot/bgp ELISA KIT
BTN90504 XL1-Blue感受态细胞 XL1-Blue Competent Cell
ARB10181 人α1酸性糖蛋白(α1-AGP)含量检测 Human α1-acid glycoprotein,α1-agp ELISA KIT
BFD073 H9亚型禽流感抗原快速检测卡
L-脯*醇 Corticosterone 23356-96-9