中兴ZXDU68 S601
- 产地:中国大陆
- 供应商:山东格伦德电源科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:电议
- 标签:中兴ZXDU68 S601,智能控制,电源,供应中兴ZXDU68 S601,山东格伦德电源科技有限公司
中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜
ZXDU68 H001系统采用一体化机柜,可内置一组蓄电池,集交流配电,直流配电,整流,监控和蓄电池于一体。该系统可壁挂安装于狭窄的安装地点,为负载提供稳定可靠的-48V直流供电,并节省安装空间。
供应ZXDU68 H001(90A)中兴壁挂通信电源产品特性
ZXDU68 H001(90A) 是由中兴通讯设计的壁挂式高频开关电源系统,系统标准配置60A,满容量达90A,由3个ZXD1000(30A)整流器组成。
ZXDU68 H001系统采用一体化机柜,可内置一组蓄电池,集交流配电,直流配电,整流,监控和蓄电池于一体。该系统可壁挂安装于狭窄的安装地点,为负载提供稳定可靠的-48V直流供电,并节省安装空间。
供应ZXDU68 H001(90A)中兴壁挂通信电源
随着运营商基站数量增加,其网络能耗迅速增长。站点获取也随着环保理念的深入人心而日益困难,土地租赁成本随之水涨船高。人力成本的日渐高涨,通信设备必须提高人机友好性以降低工程安装及日常维护费用。为满足用户全面降低TCO的要求,中兴通讯开发了ZXDU68 S301系列GX电源。
ZTE EPC packet core network products can use virtualization (NFV / Network Functions Virtualization) technology, to achieve EPC system virtualization, but also support the traditional telecom network element form. Virtualized EPC products can run in a common cloud environment, free from dedicated hardware platforms, accelerate new business on-line speeds, build open ecosystems, improve business innovation, and reduce equipment procurement and O&M costs. ZTE EPC packet core network products include:
-ZXUN uMAC:Supporting SGSN and MME functions
-ZXUN xGW:Supporting SGW,PGW,GGSN and ePDG functions
中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜
2. 电源参数的检测
3. 电网谐波模拟
为了检测中兴系列电源产品对ZG地区特定电网的宽范围适应能力,中兴电源测试工程师运用美国CI公司的电网谐波发生器/分析仪(HGA Harmonic Generator/Anynasis)及AC POWER SOURCE,模拟从国内不同地区采集的典型的电网波形及参数,对每一种电源样机进行长期的电网适应能力测试,使之更适合ZG广大城乡用户使用的宽广的电压输入范围。运用HGA及AC POWER SOURCE,编制出在开关机时刻及电网波动时所产生的各种可能时刻的强浪涌尖峰及突然跌落,并进行长时间的重复试验及关键波形测试,使中兴电源的有源功率因数校正(APFC)电路的可靠性及功率变换主电路的可靠性得到了极大的提高,从而保证了中兴电源系列产品在网上稳定可靠的运行。
4. 长时短路及短时重复短路测试
5. 高低温长时间烤机及整机的热分布测试
6. 防护测试技术
为了保证中兴电源具有适应ZG偏远落后地中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜 区特别是由小水电供电地区的电网浪涌及强雷电的冲击能力,电源测试工程师对中兴电源在具有专业水平的防护设计工程师精心设计的防雷击浪涌电路用SCHAFFNER NSG2050浪涌发生器进行了持久反复的测试,使中兴电源的第三级(D级)防护电路在各种输入电压及负载条件下,在相线之间、相线与中线之间及相线、中线与保护地(PE)之间,均可承受幅值为6KV,开路电压波形为1.2/50μs,短路电流波形为8/20μs的冲击电压综合波。组合电源系统,相线与相线、相线与中线之间及相线、中线与保护地(PE)之间,在不同的输入电压及负载电流并带是池情况下,能够承受波形为8/20μs 15KA的电流冲击。为了适应国内不同地区电网的TT制及TN-C制的需求,中兴电源系列均进行了机壳(PE)与中线(N线)间承受250V/50Hz交流电压1小时的测试,从而使中兴电源在TT及TN-C制电网下能可靠的运行。
7. 电磁兼容性测试技术
具有四遥(遥控、遥测、遥信、遥调)功能及GX率和宽广输入电压范围的中兴电源系统,为了保证二十一世纪信息技术中绿色电源的应用成为现实,按CISPR 22及CISPR 24标准,进行了严格的电磁兼容性测试。静电放电(ESD)的测试设备为SCHAFFNER NSG435静电放电发生器,波形1.2/50ns、接触放电辐值8KV、间接放电值15KV;电压跌落的测试设备为AC POWER SOURCE,额定负载条件下从电压跌落至0V再突然升高至电压;辐射电磁场强度的测试频率范围为80MHz~1000MHz,辐射电磁场的辐值为3V/m;电快速瞬变脉冲群(EFT)的测试设备为SCHAFFNERNSG2025,波形为5/50ns,脉冲重复频率2.5KHz,辐值为4KV、脉冲重复频率5KHz,辐值为2KV,测试时群脉冲信号的持续时间为15ms,周期为300ms。在上述抗扰性测试中,电源均能正常工作、通信不中断、液晶显示无乱码等。同时进行了电源线传导发射试验,频率范围为150KHz~30MHz及电磁场辐射发射试验,频率范围为30~1000MHz,测试设备为HPE701A,可满足A级标准的要求。并按YD/T-983-1998《通信电源系统电磁兼容性限值要求及测试方法》对输入电源线进行了电压起伏及闪烁测试,测试设备为PA6630电源分析仪及交流静化稳压电源。高性能的电磁兼容性指标,使中兴通信电源系统保证了通信系统的高可靠性,该电源系统特别适合于GSM基站等对电磁环境有严格要求的场合。
8. 电路设计、安规及一致性测试
为了保证每一台电源都具有高度的安全可靠性及一致性,对每一台电源使用中可能产生的对操作人员、维护人员及机房设备的不安全因素均按照UL1950及GB的要求进行了安全测试。如对输入电解电容器、X电容器、Y电容器和PCB板进行阻燃性测试,对变压器等磁性元器件、功率器件与散热器间、导线与散热器间、高压PCB走线之间及其与低压PCB走线和金属机壳间进行500~2500V/50Hz的耐电压测试及爬电距离测试,并对交流输入线与金属机壳保护地间漏电流进行严格的测试及控制,保证在相对湿度达到 90%时,交流输入与直流输出之间及交流输入与安全地间都有足够的绝缘电阻和绝缘强度。按小概率事件对可能出现的极端事件,模拟并测试了重大质量事件可能出现的故障模式,及早消除了可能出现的事故隐患。
9. 集中监控测试
中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜
中兴电源集中监控部分的测试,主要是针对硬件和软件两部分进行的。针对监控部分的特点,对硬件电路进行了FMEA分析、降额、高温存储(70℃)和低温存储(-40℃)各12小时、高温工作(40℃)和低温工作(-10℃)各24小时及温度变化速率不低于5℃/min的高低温循环试验(24小时)等环境项目的测试,为了保证系统在各种电磁环境下都能正常工作,按YD/T 983-1998《通信电源设备电磁兼容性限值和测试方法》的要求,进行了诸如静电放电(ESD)、电快速瞬变脉冲群(EFT)、电磁场辐射抗扰性及因辐射电磁场引起的传导干扰抗扰性等8个 EMC测试,用来提高监控电路软硬件的可靠性。在测试中,用带宽为1GHz的四通道数字存储示波器TDS784D的DPO功能,对时钟等重要器件的波形进行长时间的观察,以观察到系统出现的任意时刻的误码,保证系统工作的可靠性。针对软件测试没有统一标准的特点,对开发成功的软件进行代码走查、单模块功能及完整性分析测试、软件容错性能及代码运行覆盖率测试、软件参数边界及极限测试。运用先进的LABVIEW软件及Visual C软件进行二次测试软件的再开发,并配以自制的AI卡和AO卡、信号隔离转换板及监控系统的接口,来模拟中兴电源产品的实际运行环境及比实际运行环境更严酷的软件环境(极限参数、异常参数、边缘问题),增加了前后台软件测试的力度和强度,有效减小测试工作对实际设备和环境的依赖性,提高了测试效率及系统软件测试的全面性,而且使中兴电源前后台监控软件的测试方法更加具有先进的科学性,保证了监控软硬件系统运行的可靠性。
First, an overview
Communication power has a very important position and function in the communication system. The reliability of communication power is directly affected by the reliability of the communication power. The correct and effective test of the communication power supply is an effective method to ensure the quality of the development of the communication power, the quality of production and the quality of supply. The testing method and testing means of communication power supply are prerequisites for guaranteeing the advancement and effectiveness of testing technology, and the basis for guaranteeing the communication power of high reliability.
ZTE power products using advanced testing methods and testing equipment and professional with power supply has many years of development experience in testing and test engineer, on the development of each power supply products, including a series of communication power supply, the two power module and power series of high frequency switching power supply series of each rectifier power supply module and power supply the system, from every aspect of the early development to mass production, have carried out strict testing, so that each power supply equipment factory has quite high reliability.
Two, the advanced test means of ZTE power supply
1. testing in the design phase
Every power source of ZTE has been tested by the experienced power professional test engineer at the beginning of the project according to the relevant standard requirements. The test engineer analyses the rationality of each index parameter in the system design scheme and compares it with the industry standard. In detailed circuit design, the quality, maturity and availability of each component used by the developer are strictly audited. The insulation class, heat resistance grade and production process of the magnetic materials processed by the Commission shall be strictly authenticated, inspected and audited. The strength and rationality of the structural parts, and the testability, maintainability, safety and stability of the whole machine shall be tested.
Detection of 2. power parameters
The detection of the parameters of the communication power supply is the most basic test requirement. In order to improve the testing repeatability and speed up the development progress, ZTE made power parameters detection and microcomputer debugging equipment, repeatable performance parameters of each power supply equipment factory has strict consistency and test, all the parameters are ZTE power products meet or exceed the requirements of internal the Ministry of information industry and the requirements of the relevant standards.
3. power grid harmonic simulation中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜
In order to detect a wide range of power supply products ZTE series Chinese area specific grid adaptability, ZTE power test engineers use harmonic generator / power of American CI company (HGA Harmonic Generator/Anynasis) analyzer and AC POWER SOURCE, different from the domestic power grid simulation waveform and parameters of the typical area of collection, for each power supply for a long time the grid adaptation test, make it more suitable for a wide range of input voltage China urban and rural users. The use of HGA AC and POWER SOURCE, developed the strong surge peak produced in various switch time and power fluctuations when possible moment and suddenly drop, and repeated tests and key waveforms tested for a long time, the active power factor correction (APFC) of ZTE power supply reliability of main circuit reliability and power conversion circuit has been greatly improved, thus ensuring the ZTE power supply products online in stable and reliable operation.
4. long short circuit and short-time short circuit test
In order to detect the ZTE power load is in the reliability of accidental short circuit case, each new ZTE power module and system are output when the input voltage is highest, the lowest in normal and short circuit test end up to 8 hours and the load short-circuit reliability test by repeated hundreds of times, the number of empty load to sudden short-circuit short-circuit at the same time, and monitoring the output voltage of the power supply to the size shrinkage and short-circuit current, transient measurement of voltage and current stress of the power devices, so as to meet the electrical stress derating requirements, i中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜 mprove the ability to resume normal work after the termination of the short circuit short circuit of power supply.
Heat distribution test of 5. high and low temperature and long time roast machine and the whole machine
High temperature is a semiconductor device, and it is also the most harsh external stress of the communication power. Comprehensive alternating power supply prototype switch rectifier ZTE in input voltage and load current allowed range after a temperature of - 10 DEG C to 50 DEG C stress test and long time high temperature baking machine MTBF test, and for each power supply system will be manufactured, both in the rated input voltage and maximum load temperature under the current environmental temperature is 45, 24 hours of stress assessment. At the same time, respectively, at room temperature and high temperature environment and the maximum input voltage, the minimum input voltage and maximum output voltage, maximum load current, especially on the temperature distribution of power device is tested, the thermal distribution of graphics, to ensure a reasonable distribution of the whole machine temperature.
6. protection test technology
In order to guarantee the power supply China ZTE has to adapt to the remote and backward areas especially by impact surge of small hydropower supply area and strong lightning, lightning protection of power supply test engineer ZTE power design meticulously in protective design engineers with professional level of surgeprotection circuit using SCHAFFNER NSG2050 surge generator was long repeated tests, the third level of ZTE power supply (D) protection circuit in a variety of input voltage and load conditions, in between, between liquidus phase and phase, and midline midline and protection (PE), can bear the amplitude of 6KV, the open circuit voltage waveform was 1.2/50 s, the short-circuit current waveform was 8/20 s shock
艾默生、华为、中兴、动力源等通信系统电源数量的配置的核算方法 艾默生、华为、中兴、动力源等通信系统电源的配置可根据下面的公中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜 式来计算选择: (1)计算所需开关电源总输出电流 I OUT 方法一: IOUT =Ifz +0.2C10 (A),式中 Ifz 为所需负载电流(A); C10为蓄电池额定容量(Ah)。0.2C10为考虑电池均充时时限流值。 方法二: IOUT = (Ifz +0.1C10 )/(0.7~0.8),式中0.7~0.8是考虑系统安全运行的裕量系数。0.1C10 为考虑电池均充时时限流值。 (2)选择整流器规格,计算所需整流模块数量 N ,N ≥I OUT /I Z,,式中I Z为整流模块的额定输出电流(A);N取整数。 (3)按 N+1 原则配置整流模块数量,当求得的N≤10时,配置整流模块数为N+1 ;当求得的N>10时,每10个模块加配1个。 以方法为例(方法二同样代入公式即可): 已知某基站直流负载电流Ifz为110A,配置的每个开关电源整流模块输出额定电流、I Z为50A,电池容量为300A,计算这个基站的开关电源需配置多个个整流模块?正常需开启多少个整流模块? IOUT =Ifz +0.2C10 =110+0.2* 300 =170A N =I OUT /I Z =170/50 =3.4 N为小数时,应取整加1,即N=4 应开启的模块个数:5个(如果只开启4个,一个模块坏,恰好停电后再来电时,电池充不满,会亏损) 冷备用模块数: 1个 应配置模块数:N+1=54+1=6个 (N>10时,每10个模块加配1个) 特别强调:不要将所有的备用模块都开启,以免浪费电能,缩短模块寿命。 以上就是艾默生、华为、中兴、动力源等通信系统整流模块数量的核算方法。 |
Accounting methods for the distribution of power supply in communication systems such as Emerson, HUAWEI, ZTE and power sources
The configuration of the power supply for communication systems such as Emerson, HUAWEI, ZTE and power sources can be calculated according to the following formula:
(1) the total output current I OUT of the switching power supply is calculated.
Method one: IOUT =Ifz +0.2C10 (A), Ifz is the required maximum load current (A); C10 is the rated capacity of the battery (Ah). 0.2C10 is always the biggest limiting value of battery charge account.
Method two: IOUT = (Ifz +0.1C10) / (0.7~0.8), in which the 0.7~0.8 is the margin factor that takes into account the security of the system. 0.1C10
As always the maximum current limit of battery charge account.
(2) choose the specifications required for the calculation of rectifier, rectifier module number N, N = I OUT /I Z, I Z, in the rated output current of rectifier module (A); N integer.
(3) according to the number of N+1 configuration principle of rectifier module, when the N is less than or equal to 10, the number for the N+1 configuration of the rectifier module; when the N>10, each of the 10 modules with 1.
Take the method as an example (method two can be replaced by the same formula):
It is known that the DC load current of a base station is Ifz 110A, and the output current of each switching power rectifier module is 50A, and the battery capacity is 300A. The number of rectifier modules of the base station's switching power supply needs to be configured with more than one rectifier module. The output current of the rectifier module is Ifz. The output current of the rectifier module is I. How many rectifying modules do you normally need to open?
IOUT =Ifz +0.2C10
=110+0.2* 300
N should be added to 1 decimal, rounding, N=4
The number of modules should be opened: 5 (if only 4, one module is bad, when the power is out of power, the battery is dissatisfied and will lose).
Number of cold standby modules: 1
The number of modules should be configured: N+1=54+1=6 (N>10, adding 1 for every 10 modules)
Special emphasis: do not open all the spare modules, so as to avoid wasting electricity and shorten the module life.
中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜
The above is the calculation method of the number of the communication system rectifying modules of Emerson, HUAWEI, ZTE, power source and other communication systems.
Recently, ZTE in the United States at the thirty-eighth International Telecommunications Energy Conference (International INTELEC Telecommunications Energy Conference) released the first of a new generation of hybrid energy supply the latest research and development of PowerMaster ONE solutions, help telecom operators to further improve network efficiency, reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) investment.
ZTE, a new generation of PowerMaster ONE scheme, the integrated design, highly integrated structure, compared with the existing power supply scheme, save the area of more than 50%, reducing the installation time of 80%; to support a variety of energy input and unified management, which can smooth the superposition of solar and wind energy; the mechanical combination + electronic anti-theft design, effective protection of energy assets safety; support multiple transmission access site energy management system iEnergy, fine management, preventive maintenance and network energy efficient operation.
ZTE launches PowerMaster ONE solutions
During the exhibition, ZTE energy solutions expert Huang Yuanhua published "Green & Magic Energy Box, ZTE New Generation Hybrid Solution-PowerMaster ONE keynote speech, the development trend of power supply based on hybrid communication energy, focusing on PowerMaster ONE scheme in solving the problem of the lack of electricity supply site area, through innovative design concepts and technologies to help clients achieve the maximum value of interest, especially in the background of telecom operators gradually sell assets to PASSIVE infrastructure operators, PowerMaster ONE scheme can meet the site from a single user power supply to the power supply smooth expansion and upgrading, effectively avoid the unique advantage of customers' investment losses.
ZTE energy solutions expert Li Weibo published on the theme of "An Innovative Energy Management the System for Telecom Energy Network", showing the energy management scheme for iEnergy networks based on cloud technology, presents ZTE energy products in the field of network energy management innovation achievements. The traditional energy management focuses on monitoring the running state of equipment, energy management scheme of iEnergy network is focused on core business through the network energy, energy management and data analysis, to help customers master the network running state of health, to achieve energy efficiency to the energy efficiency of the whole network site optimization promotion, through comprehensive preventive maintenance to improve network reliability and efficiency of operation and maintenance.
As a leader in technology and market of communication energy industry, ZTE is continuously innovating in the energy field, and is committed to continuously introducing products and programs that satisfy customers. There are many market application cases in the world.
我国通信电源走过一条引进技术、合资生产、自主研制开发的道路。由于通信电源市场前景好,产品的附加值高,所以,国内不少的科研院所、厂家投入大量的人力和物力,研制开发性能良好的通信电源。目前,具有自主知识产权的国内通信电源厂家主要有:武汉的洲际通信电源集团有限责任公司,深圳的华为公司、中兴公司,北京的动力源公司,珠海金电电源公司,杭州侨兴公司等等。国内主要的合资厂家有:上海的新电元公司,上海的西门子通信电源公司,上海的中达—斯米泰克公司,广州的珠江电信设备制造有限公司等等。市场上见到的主要国外通信电源的厂家有:美国的力博特(Liebert)公司和瑞达(Reltech)公司,挪威的易达(Eltek)集团公司,新西兰的施威特克(Switchtech)公司等等。进入9O年代后,随着技术的创新与进步,目前国外通信电源厂家的产品一般都具有以下技术特点:(1)采用电流控制模式代替电压控制的模式。(2)采用相移控制的模式软开关技术,即全桥零电压开关。(3)采用功率因数中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜 校正技术。(4)具有模块自动均流功能。(5)具有完善的遥控、遥测、遥信、遥调四遥功能。(6)具有完善的蓄电池监测、充电限流功能等管理技术。(7)界面友好的监控软件。(8)良好的电磁兼容性和防雷措施。(9)完备的保护和告警功能。
2、从电磁元器件的角度来说,通信电源中大量使用磁性器件,比如各种各样变压器、电抗器、 电流互感器、滤波或谐振电感等,它们对电路性能有重要的影响。总体而言,对磁性材料要求是具有宽的温度范围,高频损耗小,矫顽力低,导磁率高;而变压器绕制则通风散热好,且绕组要用多股细线并绕,或者用铜皮绕制,以减少高频时集肤效应。由于功率器件性能的改善,以及软开关技术等的采用,使得电源开关损耗大为下降。因此降低高频变压器和其他磁性器件的损耗已成为提高开关电源效率的一个主要因素,增大输出变压器功率的关键是磁性材料的选择与结构的确定。欲使变压器结构紧凑、损耗小,应选择饱和磁感应强度、电阻率及脉冲磁导率较大,且带材厚度小的磁性材料。同时,采用绝缘强度高的材料作为线圈间的绝缘,以进一步提高能量传输效率。
近期国内外在非晶态合金的基础上,经过处理,使其变成微晶合金软磁材料,其性能比非晶态合金更高,更适合制作开关电源变压器和电抗器。国内已有来用这些新型微晶材料研制开关电源。但也应当指出,在高频开关电源中使用的磁性器件有许多新的特点,例如频率从工频到几百千赫,功中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜 率从毫瓦到几十千瓦甚至几百千瓦,激磁电流可能是非正弦的,磁化不一定对称。在某些电路中需采取去磁措施等等。在高频下运行的磁性器件材料、结构、模型、设计、工艺、损耗、发热等多方面问题,尚需继续深入探索研究,以获得较为满意的解决。
在软开关变换电路中,有变频控制的(PPM),也有恒频控制的(PWM).由于恒频控制方式要优于变频控制方式,恒频软开关技术已成为软开关技术的主流。其中,相移控制的全桥变换电路,综合PWM技术和软开关技术的优点,在大范围内实现PWM控制,实现输出电压或电流的大范围无级调节,而在功率器件换流瞬间,实现零电压开关换流,已成为Z有前途的软开关变换电路拓扑。但目前国外厂家相移控制软开关电路也有不足之处,主要是变换电路滞后桥臂零电压开关范围窄,拓宽其软开关范围是其进一步广泛应用的前提,各国学者一直在努力,提出一系列改进方法,主要集中在三个方面:一是采取措施,拓宽滞后桥臂的零电压开通范围; 二是把滞后桥臂构造成零电流关断范围大的软开关;三是原边的开关管和副边的整流二极管同时实现大范围的软开关。目前,在这几方面都取得了很大的进展,为软开关技术在通信电源中的广泛应用打下良好的基础。
在功率固数校正电路方面,单相的PFC技术也已非常成熟,其电路通常采用升压比(boost)电路,采用电压、电流双闭环控制的方法,主要采用平均电流控制的方法。其中电压环用来稳定输出电压,电流环使得电流跟踪电网的正弦波形。由于电流环的给定是电压环输出与电网整流后的正弦半波(100Hz)的乘积,因此电压环的带宽不能超过10OHz,否则电流波形跟踪不好,一般设计频带是30Hz以下,同时,为了保证整个控制回路的增益与电网的幅值无关,需要进行必要的前债补偿。现在市场已有成熟的控制芯片,既有来用硬开关控制的,也有来用软开关控制的。而三相功率因数校正技术上比较复杂,虽然国内外相应的研究成果也很多,但要应用在大功率开中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜 关电源方面,尚需作进一步的研究和探讨。
近年,随着计算机技术和仿真技术的发展,已有一系列界面友好的仿真平台出现,其中,典型的有Spice、ICAP4.0-Interactive Circuit Analysis rogram和WE4.0-Electronics Workbench 等等,它们都具备器件库、各种信号发生器,以及示波器、BODE图显示器等等,是典型的电子实验台,为电力电子系统的设计提供有力的辅助工具。
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在解析建模方面,目前流行的各种解析分析方法大多数是以R.D.Middlebrook等提出的状态空间平均法(以占空比加权平均)为基础的。状态空间平均法是从变换器的不同拓扑的状态空间方程出发,经过平均——小信号扰动——线性化处理,将一个非线性、时变、开关电路转变为一个等效的线性、时不变、连续的电路,可以应用经典控制理论的分析线性系统的方法,如拉氏变换、根轨迹图和Bode图等等,在频域内分析设计系统。可叫分析系统在平衡点附近的小信号扰动时近似的瞬态响应特性以及系统的稳定性等等。? 状态空间平均法简单通用,为开关变换器提供了简便和系统的分析工具,是简明性和精确性的一个较好的折衷,也是大多数变换器分析方法的基础。但是,它也有不少难以克服的缺点,如无法估计输出纹波的大小,稳定性分析不够准确,难以对大信号过程作出中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜 分析,也不能分析软开关变换器。
常规通信电源的设计,对PWM变换器的处理,实际是把它当作一个低频的环节,即是把经过状态空间平均以后所得的电路模型,简单得出占空比(控制量)与输出电压(被控制量)传递函数关系。以及负载电流、输入电压等等扰动量对输出电压的传递函数关系,采用经典控制理论的常规方法设计系统,然后对其稳定性等等性能指标进行校验,没有反映系统的高频部分。倘若高频的部分起主要作用,则所得的结果很良不准确,不幸的是稳定性分析即属此列。实际上,开关电源是一个非线性的系统,系统存在着不同的过渡过程,即是由输出电感和输出电容等较大时间常数组成的毫秒级的暂态过程,以及功率器件在每个开关过程中,寄生分布参数起主要作用的,微秒级开关过渡过程。一般来说,即使是大信号分析方法,如果采用平均的方法的话,所得到的结果是反映时间常数大的过渡过程,而时间常数小的开关过渡过程很难反映出来,这是因为取平均是把高频分量去掉了。虽然,近年提出的高频网络法把不同过渡过程的快变量和慢变量分无从理论上可以得出解析解,但由于解的复杂性,难以在工程中得到具体的应用。特别是近年来,软开关技术出现以后,又导致状态空间平均法难以进行分析。虽然近年出现很多分析方法,如谐波平衡法,等效电路法,采样数据法,等效小参量法等等,但都显得过分专业化,有的需要解复杂的微分方程,计算量过大;有的难以得到中兴ZXDU68 S601开关电源技术参数/报价显式解,有的解物理意义不明显。此外,系统的开环和闭环的模型建立也需要一定的技巧。因此,必须继续探讨简单、实用、具有明显工程意义的电路模型和满足工程需要的大信号分析方法。
电磁兼容EMC(electromagnetic compatibility)是指在有限的空间、时间和频谱资源下,各种设备可以一起正常工作而性能不会变差。对设备和系统,要具有良好的电磁兼容性,就应既不受电磁环境的影响,又不给环境造成这种影响。电磁兼容性包括电磁干扰(EMI)和电磁敏感度(EMS)两个方面,电磁干扰是设备和系统向外发出的干扰,电磁敏感度是设备对外来干扰的敏感程度和抵抗外界干扰的能力。电磁干扰叉有传导干扰(通过导线或电源线向外传送的干扰)和辐射干扰(通过空间电磁波向外的辐射干扰)。
目前许多电源工作者只着重于电路原理的正确性,对电磁兼容性问题缺乏足够的认识,总是等到调试过程中才修补,往往造成电源系统的不能正常工作或不必要的浪费。电磁兼容性问题既有理论上的问题,但更多的是一种实验技术和工艺技术,需要从电磁干扰的产生、传播以及接收等方面加以研究解决。此外,对电源本身来说,选择合适的电路拓扑结构,合适的电路元器件,适当的滤波器,良好的屏蔽措施,合理的布线和正确的接地方式和良好的防雷措施,在监控系统设计中,充分考虑各种各样抗干扰措施,都是解决以上问题的有效的方法。除了以上措施以外,软开关技术和功率因数校正技术以及其它一些新技术,也都为上述问题的解决提供一条新的途径。中兴ZXDU68 S601开关电源技术参数/报价
At present, most of the communication power supply of high frequency switching power supply instead of phase controlled power supply, controlled sealed lead-acid battery to replace acidspray proof lead-acid battery with valve, manual control technology with computer monitoring system to replace the traditional, complete communication power rep中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜 lacement work. The
In recent years, with the progress of technology, especially the power devices upgrade, constantly using new electromagnetic material, continuous improvement of power conversion technology, progress control method, and related disciplines of technology integration, communication in power system reliability, stability, electromagnetic compatibility, to eliminate the harmonic and improve power could have made considerable progress in terms of utilization rate, reduce the loss, improve the dynamic performance of the system and so on. In addition, due to the wide application of computer monitoring system in communication power supply, but also makes the degree of intelligent power increasing, system maintenance and management capacity has been strengthened; and the perfect grounding system and lightning protection measures to further improve the power supply of the MTBF time average no fault. At present, the communication power is developing in the direction of high frequency, high power density, high power factor, high efficiency, high reliability and high intelligence. The
China's communication power has gone through a road of introduction of technology, joint venture production and independent development and development. Due to the good market prospect of communication power and the high added value of products, many domestic scientific research institutes and manufacturers have invested a lot of manpower and material resources to develop and develop a good communication power supply. At present, domestic manufacturers of communication power supply with independent intellectual property rights are: intercontinental communication power Refco Group Ltd in Wuhan, Shenzhen, HUAWEI,中兴ZXDU68 S601开关电源技术参数/报价 ZTE, Beijing power company, Zhuhai electric power company Hangzhou gold, Qiao Xing company etc.. The main domestic joint venture manufacturers are: Shanghai xindianyuan communication power supply company, SIEMENS company in Shanghai, Shanghai in Guangzhou Pearl River Tektronix Inc - Vladimir, Telecom Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. etc.. The main foreign communication power market saw the manufacturers: the United States, Liberty (Liebert), and Rita (Reltech) company, Norway Yida group company (Eltek), New Zealand's swichtec (Switchtech), etc.. After entering the 9O era, with the technological innovation and progress, the products of foreign telecom power suppliers usually have the following characteristics: (1) adopt current control mode instead of voltage control mode. (2) the phase shift control mode soft switching technology, the full bridge zero voltage switch, is used. (3) the power factor correction technique is used. (4) it has the function of module automatic flow sharing. (5) the function of four remote remote control, telemetry, telecontrol and remote control. (6) the management technology of battery monitoring and charging current limiting function. (7) the interface - friendly monitoring software. (8) good electromagnetic compatibility and lightning protection measures. (9) complete protection and alarm function. The
In terms of the overall performance, there is a gap between the level of China's telecommunication power supply and the foreign products of the same kind. The main gap is the reliability, stability and technical performance of the work. Therefore, organizational strength developed with independent intellectual property rights, a new generation of communication power supply with high technology content, to revitalize national industry, improve product quality and competitiveness, has an important significance to improve the level of research and development team, will also bring remarkable economic benefits and social benefits. In
Two, communication power supply devices, circuit topology and control technology of the
The power of communication, the core part is the switch converter, and the converter technology progress is mainly embodied in the device, the circuit topology and control technology breakthrough, therefore, the latest achievements of the application of these technologies related to communication power, communication power is one of important measures to improve the technical performance, quality and reliability. Can be discussed from the following aspects: the
1, from the topological structure and device aspect of the circuit, the transformation circuit topology of communication power supply mainly adopts double single ended circuit, half bridge circuit and full bridge circuit. It is generally believed that it is appropriate to use double single end circuit or half bridge circuit in medium and small power situations, and full bridge conversion circuit is used in high-power situations. Although there are some new converter circuit topology, such as the CuK converter input, low output ripple, the transmission ratio of Buck-Flyback converter and so on, but the emergence of a series of new technology of soft switching technology, cooling circuit topology transformation, in the present case, the circuit topology changes little. The
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From the perspective of power devices, electronic devices from the half controlled device (SCR), to the development of the self turn off devices of all kinds, and has the power integrated circuit (PIC) 中兴ZXDU68 S601高频开关电源机柜 the emergence of the driving mode from the current driven development model of driving mode for voltage type. In the current communication power supply, due to the different applications, field-effect transistor (MOSFET) and insulated gate transistor (IGBT) are two kinds of devices that are used more. Generally speaking, FET drive is easy to drive, with high switching frequency, positive temperature coefficient and easy parallel connection. Its disadvantage is that its structure is limited, its voltage is not high, and its body resistance is too large (although parallel can reduce its resistance). It is generally believed that in field of medium and low power, FET is suitable, and its switching frequency is very high, which can reduce the volume, weight and cost of the entire power supply. Driving can use simple pulse transformer, and it can pass through the tube.
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