SBI- EXO-FBS-50A-1 SBI- EXO-FBS-50A-1无外泌体血清 /SBI原装进口 ...
- 品牌:SBI
- 型号:SBI- EXO-FBS-50A-1
- 供应商:上海素冉生物科技有限公司
- 供应商报价:面议
- 标签:SBI- EXO-FBS-50A-1无外泌体血清 /SBI原装进口 素冉生物,-1,上海素冉生物科技有限公司
品牌 | CIL/美国 | 货号 | EXO-FBS-50A-1 |
规格 | 50ml | 供货周期 | 现货 |
主要用途 | 细胞研究 |
SBI- EXO-FBS-50A-1无外泌体血清 /SBI原装进
供应商:素冉生物 EXO-FBS-50A-1有现货,有现货哦~~~~
SBI- EXO-FBS-50A-1无外泌体血清 /SBI原装进口 素冉生物一站式为您服务
SBI- EXO-FBS-50A-1无外泌体血清 /SBI原装进口 适用于细胞研究
SBI- EXO-FBS-50A-1无外泌体血清 /SBI原装进口 素冉生物常年有现货
胎牛血清(FBS)已在真核细胞培养中使用了几十年了。然而,很少有人关注FBS的RNA对培养的细胞会产生什么样的生物学效应。来自哈佛医学院的研究人员用RNA测序,证明了FBS含有蛋白质编码和调控的多种RNA,包括mRNA、miRNA、rRNA和snoRNA等。它们中的大多数(>70%)仍然存在于细胞外囊泡(EV)和细胞间通讯研究中常使用的长时间超速离心得到的无囊泡FBS(vesicle-depleted FBS, vdFBS)中。FBS相关的RNA会在分离细胞外膜泡RNA(exRNA)时一同被分离出来,这会对下游RNA分析造成干扰。许多进化上保守的FBS源的RNA种类会被错误地认为是人或小鼠细胞的转录本。值得注意的是,在FBS中含量丰富的一些miRNAs,如miR-122、miR-451A和miR-1246,先前已被报道为在培养细胞来源的细胞外膜泡中富含的miRNAs,这可能是胎牛血清中miRNAs造成的假象。对公开可用的exRNA数据库的分析支持FBS污染的概念。此外,FBS转录本可被培养的细胞吸收,并影响高度敏感的基因表达谱技术的结果。因此,实验设计过程中采取减少FBS源RNA干扰的预防措施是非常有必要的。
SBI- EXO-FBS-50A-1无外泌体血清 /SBI原装进口 素冉生物
Exo-FBS Overview: When You're Not Studying Bovine Exosomes
Do you study bovine exosomes? If not, and you use fetal bovine serum (FBS) in your cell or tissue culture media, you may be isolating more bovine exosomes than you realize. Serum is a rich source of exosomes, FBS included. In order to help scientists study only the exosomes they want, SBI provides Exo-FBS™ exosome-depleted FBS.
· Exosome-sized vesicles removed
· Very low levels of CD63 positive cow exosome
· Undetectable levels of cow microRNAs
· Comparable growth rates as standard FBS
· Identical use as standard FBS (add 10% in DMEM or RPMI)
Standard growth media for most cells in culture require FBS as a growth supplement to DMEM. FBS is derived from bovine (cow) serum and contains a high abundance of cow exosome vesicles. These exosomes can interfere or cause significant background issues when studying the exosomes secreted from your cells of interest in standard culture conditions.
SBI has developed an exosome-depleted FBS growth supplement called Exo-FBS that has been stripped of bovine exosomes. Exo-FBS supports equivalent growth of many types of cells in culture, is devoid of cow CD63-positive exosomes, and does not have any measurable bovine microRNAs. Cell growth in Exo-FBS is comparable to standard FBS. The process of manufacturing of Exo-FBS is a patented method in Patent No.: US 9,005,888 B2.
Perform your studies of cellular secreted exosomes in culture without the worry of contaminating cow exosomes in your experiments, and with no ultracentrifugation required when you use ExoQuick-TC. Available as standard FBS supplement or heat inactivated FBS media supplement (treated at 65°C for 15 minutes before bovine exosome removal).
Hyclone 30087.02(南美普通胎牛血清)