
SD-008/SN-009 Minute™ 总蛋白提取试剂盒(植物组织)

  • 规格: 50tests 产品价格: ¥3048.0
    规格: 4tests 产品价格: ¥307.0

    MinuteTM 植物组织总蛋白提取试剂盒





          植物组织总蛋白提取试剂盒,由优化细胞裂解液和0.6 ml离心管柱组成,能够迅速从植物组织(叶片,种子,柔软的干和根等)中提取总蛋白。试剂盒同时提供天然和变性两种不同的裂解液,可供用户选择。离心管柱技术提取蛋白质,可从20-200mg植物组织中中提取总蛋白质,操作时间5-8分钟,得率可达2-8mg/ml。




    提取的蛋白质样品可以应用于SDS-PAGE, immunoblottings, ELISA, IP, ELISA,蛋白质分析和小规模蛋白层析纯化。



    Figure 1. Plant protein profiles extracted by denaturing lysis buffer and native lysis buffer. Extracted proteins were separated in 10% SDS-PAGE and stained with coomassie blue. Lane 1, snow pea; lane 2, corn kernel; 3, broccoli leaves; 4, spinach leaves and 5, chili pepper leaves.








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