
Stemgent® Purified Mouse anti-Mouse/Human βIII Tubulin Antibody

  • Product Overview


    The Stemgent® Purified Mouse anti-Mouse/Human βIII-Tubulin Antibody was screened on neural cells derived from mouse and human ES cells via directed differentiation and selected as the best application-tested antibody for βIII-tubulin. This antibody was generated against the peptide (ESESQGPK) derived from the C-terminus of the human βIII-tubulin protein. Tubulin is the major constituent of microtubules, existing as a heterodimer of α and β subunits. βIII-tubulin is regarded as a specific probe for the cells of neuronal origin as well as for tumors originating from these cells. The expression of βIII tubulin has been suggested to be one of the earliest markers to signal neuronal commitment in primitive neuroepithelium1-8.


    1. Draberova, E., Lukas, Z., Ivanyi, D., Viklicky, V., Draber, P. (1998) Expression of class III beta-tubulin in normal and neoplastic human tissues. Histochem Cell Biol. Mar 109(3): 231-9.
    2. Peknicova, J., et. al. (2001) Differential subcellular distribution of tubulin epitopes in boar spermatozoa: recognition of class III beta-tubulin epitope in sperm tail. Biol Reprod. Sep 65(3):672-9.
    3. Jirásek, T., Cipro, S., Musilová, A., Kubecová, M., Mandys, V. (2009) Expression of class III beta-tubulin in colorectal carcinomas: an immunohistochemical study using TU-20 & TuJ-1 antibody. Indian J Med Res. Jan;129(1):89-94.
    4. Kukharsky, V., Sulimenko, V., Macùrek, L., Sulimenko, T., Dráberová, E., Dráber, P. (2004) Complexes of gamma-tubulin with nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinases Src and Fyn in differentiating P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. Exp Cell Res. Aug 1;298(1):218-28.
    5. Jirasek, T., Pisarikova, E., Viklicky, V., Mandys, V. (2007) Expression of class III beta-tubulin in malignant epithelial tumours: an immunohistochemical study using TU-20 and TuJ-1 antibodies. Folia Histochem Cytobiol. 45(1):41-5.
    6. Katsetos, C.D. et. al. (2007) Class III b-Tubulin and g-Tubulin are Co-expressed and form Complexes in Human Glioblastoma Cells. Neurochem Res 32:1387-1398.
    7. Theodorou E, et al. (2009) A high throughput embryonic stem cell screen identifies Oct-2 as a bifunctional regulator on neuronal differentiation. Genes Dev. Mar 1;23(5):575-88.
    8. Caccamo D, et al. (1989) Immunohistochemistry of a spontaneous murine ovarian teratoma with neuroepithelial differentiation. Neuron-associated beta-tubulin as a marker for primitive neuroepithelium. Lab Invest. Mar;60(3): 390-398.
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