WaveRunner 640Zi 美国力科WaveRunner示波器 WaveRunner 640Zi
- 型号:WaveRunner 640Zi
- 产地:山东 济南市
- 供应商:济南金力通电子设备有限公司
- 供应商报价: 电议
- 标签:美国力科WaveRunner示波器 WaveRunner 640Zi,美国力科WaveRunner示波器 WaveRunner 640Zi价格,美国力科WaveRunner示波器 WaveRunner 640Zi厂家
类型 | 数字示波器 | 品Pai | 美国力科 |
型号 | WaveRunner 640Zi | 通道数 | 4 |
带宽 | 4G(MHz) | 采样率 | 见参数(GS/s) |
记录长度 | 见参数(k) | 波形捕获率 | 见参数(wfms/s) |
外形尺寸 | 见参数(mm) | 重量 | 见参数(kg) |
是否提供加工定制 | 否 |
Vertical System | |
Nominal Analog Bandwidth @ Ω 50 10 mV-1 V/div | 4 GHz (≥ 5 mV/div) |
Rise Time (10¨C90%) | 100 ps (typical) |
Rise Time (20¨C80%) | 75 ps (typical) |
Input Channels | 4 |
Bandwidth Limiters | 20MHz, 200MHz, 1GHz |
Input Impedance | 50 Ω±2% or 1 MΩ||17pF, 10 MΩ || 9.5 pF with supplied Probe |
Maximum Input Voltage | 50 Ω: 5V RMS ± 10V peak 1 MΩ: 400 V max. (DC + peak AC < 10 kHz) |
Channel-Channel Isolation | > 100:1 up to 2.5GHz > 50:1 from 2.5GHz to rated BW |
Vertical Resolution | 8 bits; up to 11 bits with enhanced resolution (ERES) |
Sensitivity | 50 Ω:1 mV/div - 1 V/div, fully variable 1 MΩ: 1 mV/div - 10 V/div, fully variable |
DC Vertical Gain Accuracy (Gain Component of DC Accuracy) | ±1% F.S. (typical), offset at 0V; ±1.5% F.S. (test limit), offset at 0V |
Offset Range | 50 Ω: BWL≤1 GHz ±1.6 V @ 2 mV - 4.95 mV ±4 V @ 5mV - 9.9 mV ±8 V @ 10mV - 19.8 mV ±10 V @ 20mV - 1V BWL>1GHz ±1.4V @ 5 mV-122mV/div ±10V @ 124 mV-1V/div 1 MΩ: ±1.6 V @ 2 mV - 4.95 mV ±4 V @ 5mV - 9.9 mV ±8 V @ 10mV - 19.8 mV ±16 V @ 20mV - 140 mV ±80 V @ 142mV - 1.4 V ±160 V @ 1.42mV - 10V |
DC Vertical Offset Accuracy | ±(1.5% of offset setting +1% of full scale + 1 mV) (test limit) |
Horizontal System | |
Clock Accuracy | ≤1.5 ppm +(aging of 0.5 ppm/yr from last calibration) |
Trigger and Interpolator Jitter | ≤ 2 psrms(typical) <0.1 psrms(typical, software assisted) |
External Clock | DC to 100 MHz; (50 Ω/1 MΩ), EXT BNC input, Minimum rise time and amplitude requirements apply at low frequencies. |
Acquisition System | |
Single-Shot Sample Rate/Ch | 20 GS/s on 4 Ch 40 GS/s on 2 Ch |
Memory Options (4 Ch / 2 Ch / 1Ch) | S-32 Option: 32M / 64M / 64M (15,000) M-64 Option: 64M / 128M / 128M (15,000) |
Standard Memory (4 Ch / 2 Ch / 1Ch) (Number of Segments) | 16 M / 32 M / 32M (4,500) |
Acquisition Processing | |
Enhanced Resolution (ERES) | From 8.5 to 11 bits vertical resolution |
Triggering System | |
Trigger Sensitivity with Edge Trigger (Ch 1¨C4) ProBus Inputs | 2 div @ < 4 GHz 1.5 div @< 2 GHz 1 div @ < 200 MHz 0.9 div @<10 MHz (DC, AC, and LFRej coupling, ≥ 10 mV/div, 50 Ω) |
External Trigger Sensitivity, (Edge Trigger) | 2 div @ 1 GHz 1.5 div @ < 500 MHz 1 div @ <200 MHz 0.9 div @<10 MHz (DC, AC, and LFRej coupling) |
Max. Trigger Frequency, SMART Trigger | 2.0 GHz @ ≥ 10 mV/div (minimum triggerable width 200 ps) |
High Speed Serial Protocol Triggering | |
Data Rates | 320 Mb/s - 3 Gb/s |
Pattern Length | 80 bits, NRZ or 8b10b |
Clock Recovery Jitter | 1 ps rms + 0.3% Unit Interval rms for PRBS data patterns with 50% transition density |
Hardware Clock Recovery Loop BW | PLL Loop BW = Fbaud/5500, 100 Mb/s to 2.488 Gb/s (typical) |
LeCroy WaveStream? Fast Viewing Mode | |
Max Sampling Rate | 20 GS/s (40 GS/s when interleaved) |
Auxiliary Input | |
Max. Input Voltage | 50 Ω: 5 Vrms; 1 MΩ: 250 Vmax (DC + Peak AC ≤ 10 kHz) |