
Custom Lentiviral Reporter Construct--single reporter, standard vector,慢病毒报告载体构建

  • 美国Cellecta公司成立于2006年4月,是一家以小核酸为平台进行药靶筛选的技术服务公司,美国众多知名药厂为其客户。Biomics Biotech作为其在ZG代理,我们将一如既往地为您提供质的服务。

    Cellecta Part Services List:

        Quantity Provided Shipping temperature Storage Temperature Lead Time
    Custom shRNA Libraries          
    CPLVSHL-6K-O 6.5K shRNA Library Design and Synthesis none blue or dry ice -20℃ na
    CPLVSHL-6KM-O Design and Synthesis of Multiple 1.5K shRNA Libraries from One 6.5K pool none blue or dry ice -20℃ na
    CPLVSHL-6K-P 6.5K shRNA Library Construction (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-6K-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-6Kd4-P Construction of Four 1.5K shRNA Libraries from One 6.5K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-6KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-6Kd3-P Construction of Three shRNA Libraries from One 6.5K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-6KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-6Kd2-P Construction of Two 3K shRNA Libraries from One 6.5K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-6KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-13K-O 13K shRNA Library Design and Synthesis none blue or dry ice -20℃ na
    CPLVSHL-13KM-O Design and Synthesis of Multiple shRNA Libraries from one 13K pool none blue or dry ice -20℃ na
    CPLVSHL-13K-P 13K shRNA Library Construction (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-13K-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-13Kd4-P Construction of Four shRNA Libraries from One 13K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-13KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-13Kd3-P Construction of Three shRNA Libraries from One 13K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-13KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-13Kd2-P Construction of Two shRNA Libraries from One 13K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-13KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-27K-O 27K shRNA Library Design and Synthesis none blue or dry ice -20℃ na
    CPLVSHL-27KM-O Design and Synthesis of Multiple shRNA Libraries from one 27K pool none blue or dry ice -20℃ na
    CPLVSHL-27K-P 27K shRNA Library Construction (must also order Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-27K-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-27Kd4-P Construction of Four shRNA Libraries from One 27K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-27KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-27Kd3-P Construction of Three shRNA Libraries from One 27K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-27KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-27Kd2-P Construction of Two shRNA Libraries from One 27K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-27KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-55K-O 55K shRNA Library Design and Synthesis none blue or dry ice -20℃ na
    CPLVSHL-55KM-O Design and Synthesis of Multiple shRNA Libraries from one 55K pool none blue or dry ice -20℃ na
    CPLVSHL-55K-P 55K shRNA Library Construction (must also order Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-55K-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-55Kd4-P Construction of Four shRNA Libraries from One 55K oligo pool. (order with Library Design and Synthesis for new libraries, CPLVSHL-55KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-55Kd3-P Construction of Three shRNA Libraries from One 55K oligo pool. (order with Library Design and Synthesis for new libraries, CPLVSHL-55KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-55Kd2-P Construction of Two shRNA Libraries from One 55K oligo pool. (order with Library Design and Synthesis for new libraries, CPLVSHL-55KM-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVSHL-DUAL-P Custom Combinatorial shRNA Library Made with Dual shRNA Expression Vector (up to 200 shRNAs) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    CPLVO-CUST-P Non-Standard Custom Library Construction > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-14 weeks
    Custom Peptide Libraries          
    CPLVPL-6K-O 6.5K Peptide Library Design and Synthesis > 5 pmol blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-12 weeks
    CPLVPL-6K-P 6.5K Peptide Library Construction (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVPL-6K-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-12 weeks
    CPLVPL-13K-O 13K Peptide Library Design and Synthesis > 5 pmol blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-12 weeks
    CPLVPL-13K-P 13K Peptide Library Construction (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVPL-13K-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-12 weeks
    CPLVPL-27K-O 27K Peptide Library Design and Synthesis > 5 pmol blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-12 weeks
    CPLVPL-27K-P 27K Peptide Library Construction (must also order Library Synthesis, CPLVPL-27K-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-12 weeks
    CPLVPL-55K-O 55K Peptide Library Design and Synthesis > 5 pmol blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-12 weeks
    CPLVPL-55K-P 55K Peptide Library Construction (must also order Library Synthesis, CPLVPL-55K-O) > 200 ug blue or dry ice -20℃ 10-12 weeks
    Packaging Service          
    CLVP-V Single Construct Lentiviral Packaging Service (not custom construct) >10^7 TU dry ice -80℃ 2-4 weeks
    CLVP-VS Lentiviral Packaging of Custom-Made shRNA Constructs (ordered with shRNA construction) >10^7 TU dry ice -80℃ 2-4 weeks
    CLVP-1108 Lentiviral Packaging Service of single construct 2 ml (1 x 10^8 ifu/ml) dry ice -80℃ 3 – 5 weeks
    CLVP-5108 Lentiviral Packaging Service of single construct 5x10^8TU (500 ul @ 10^9 ifu/ml) dry ice -80℃ 3 – 5 weeks
    CLVP-1109 Lentiviral Packaging Service of single construct >1 x 10^9 dry ice -80℃ 3 – 5 weeks
    CLVP-5E7 Lentiviral Library Packaging, small scale (for libraries <6,500 constructs) > 5 x 10^7 ifu dry ice -80℃ 3 – 5 weeks
    CLVP-1E8 Lentiviral Library Packaging, 10^8 TU > 1 x 10^8 ifu dry ice -80℃ 3 – 5 weeks
    CLVP-2E8 Lentiviral Library Packaging, Standard > 2 x 10^8 ifu dry ice -80℃ 3 – 5 weeks
    CLVP-LGLIB Lentiviral Library Packaging, Large Scale > 1 x 10^9 ifu dry ice -80℃ 3 – 5 weeks

    百奥迈科生物技术有限公司(Biomics Biotech)
    电话:4008513777   0513-85175207/5


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  • 信息声明:本产品供应信息由仪器网为您整合,供应商为(百奥迈科生物技术有限公司),内容包括 (Custom Lentiviral Reporter Construct--single reporter, standard vector,慢病毒报告载体构建)的品牌、型号、技术参数、详细介绍等;如果您想了解更多关于 (Custom Lentiviral Reporter Construct--single reporter, standard vector,慢病毒报告载体构建)的信息,请直接联系供应商,给供应商留言!